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كيف أستخدم هاتفي ككاميرا أمنية؟ - سهل جدا

يعد الأمان اليوم أحد أهم الأشياء ، ماديًا وعلى الويب. لهذا السبب يبحث المسؤولون عن ابتكار التكنولوجي...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

كيفية استعادة جهات الاتصال المحذوفة من بطاقة SIM؟ - سهل...

سنرى اليوم كيفية استرداد جهات الاتصال المحذوفة من بطاقة SIM بطريقة سهلة وسريعة للغاية. حتى لا تخسر ب...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

هل يمكن أن تنفجر بطارية هاتفي المحمول أثناء الشحن؟ تجنبه!

تعد الأجهزة المحمولة جزءًا من يومنا هذا ، لذلك من الطبيعي أن نستخدمها باستمرار دون أن تمنحك الراحة. ...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

ما هو الضوء الأزرق المنبعث من شاشة الجهاز؟

يقضي معظم الأشخاص ساعات أمام شاشة أجهزتهم الإلكترونية دون التفكير في المخاطر التي يمكن أن يسببها الض...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

لماذا لا يتعرف قارئ هاتفي المحمول على بصمة إصبعي؟ حل

عندما تقدمت التكنولوجيا من يوم إلى آخر على قدم وساق ، كانت مسألة وقت قبل أن تصبح الأدوات التي رأيناه...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

كيفية إصلاح تطبيق الكاميرا توقف عن الخطأ - بسهولة

تحتوي هواتفنا المحمولة على العديد من التطبيقات الشيقة للغاية ، والتي يمكننا الحصول عليها في أي وقت. ...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

كيفية توصيل لوحة مفاتيح وماوس على هاتفك Android للعب

لا غنى عن أجهزة Android للمستخدمين اليوم. نظرًا لتقدم التكنولوجيا ، يتم تنفيذ استراتيجيات جديدة مما ...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

استعادة جهات الاتصال أو الأرقام من هاتف تالف بدون نسخة...

و الهواتف تسمح لنا أن تفعل أشياء كثيرة، مثل أن يكون متصلا مع العائلة والأصدقاء، سواء كنا استخدام الش...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

كيف تعمل حملات التسويق عبر الرسائل النصية القصيرة؟

اكتشف العديد من أصحاب الأعمال مدى كفاءة وعملية التسويق الرقمي لأعمالهم. يعد التسويق عبر الرسائل الن...
اقرأ المزيد
منذ عام

ما هي حماية IP67 و IP68 و IP69 للهاتف ؟

اليوم ، تعتبر مقاومة الهواتف لعوامل مختلفة أمرًا في غاية الأهمية. قبل كل شيء ، بالطبع ، عند شراء جه...
اقرأ المزيد

mofo law firm mofo law firm salary scale at MoFo 2001

Damn! Those are some nice raises!

mofo law firm

Associates won’t be cursing out this Biglaw firm — not after they all just got big-time raises!

Of course Morrison & Foerster matched the latest round of associate raises — they aren’t mofos, if you know what I mean. Plus, you know, the firm made $1,165,000,000 in gross revenue last year (making it 34th

on the Am Law 100), so it’d be in pretty bad form if they opted to sit out the latest in compensation wars.

mofo law firm

The new salary scale at MoFo is as follows, effective July 1:

  1. Class of 2021: $202,500
  2. Class of 2020: $205,000
  3. Class of 2019: $215,000
  4. Class of 2018: $240,000
  5. Class of 2017: $275,000
  6. Class of 2016: $305,000
  7. Class of 2015: $330,000
  8. Class of 2014: $350,000
  9. Class of 2013 and senior: $365,000

And summer associates will also see the benefit of these raises (matched to the class of 2021).

Congrats to MoFo associates on their raises!

Remember everyone, we depend on your tips to stay on top of this stuff. So when your firm matches, please text us (646-820-8477) or email us (subject line: “[Firm Name] Raises”). Please include the memo if available. You can take a photo of the memo and send it via text or email if you don’t want to forward the original PDF or Word file.

And if you’d like to sign up for ATL’s Bonus Alerts (which is the alert list we’ll also use for salary announcements), please scroll down and enter your email address in the box below this post. If you previously signed up for the bonus alerts, you don’t need to do anything. You’ll receive an email notification within minutes of each bonus announcement that we publish.

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MoFo Makes Bold Decision To Spy On Its Attorneys

mofo law firm

Everyone knows one of the absolute worst parts of Biglaw is timekeeping. Sure, sure, it’s how firms get paid so we GET why it’s important, but it’s still a trudge. So the advent of newer technology designed to help out with this menial task is welcome. But, what that definitely doesn’t mean is that it’s okay for Biglaw firms to install software mandatorily on firm devices so they can watch every mouse click an associate makes.

But that’s exactly what’s going on at Morrison & Foerster.

Business Insider (subscription required)

mofo law firm

Morrison & Foerster advised Steadfast Apartment REIT, Inc. (“STAR”) in connection with the definitive merger agreement under which STAR will merge with and into Independence Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: IRT) (“IRT”), with IRT surviving as the continuing public company.

STAR is a non-traded public real estate investment trust that was formed to acquire and operate a diverse portfolio of well-positioned, institutional-quality apartment communities in targeted markets throughout the United States that have demonstrated high occupancy and income levels across market cycles.

The merger, which was announced on July 26, 2021, will join together two high-quality portfolios with complementary geographic footprints in the highly desirable Sunbelt region of the U.S. On a pro forma basis, the combined company will own a portfolio of 131 apartment communities comprising 38,000 units across 16 markets. The combined company is expected to have a pro forma equity market capitalization of approximately $4 billion and a pro forma total enterprise value of approximately $7 billion. The parties currently expect the transaction to close during the fourth quarter of 2021, subject to customary closing conditions, including stockholder approval by STAR and IRT.

The MoFo team advising STAR in the transaction was led by corporate partner Heath Linsky, together with corporate associates Mary Katherine Rawls, Tyler Miller, Paul J. Aylward II, New York corporate partner Larry Medvinsky, and Washington, D.C. corporate partners Justin Salon and Andrew Campbell; San Diego tax partner Shane Shelley, New York tax partner Domnick Bozzetti, and associates Philip Jaworskyj and Kristie Espiritu; Washington, D.C. employment + labor of counsel Andrew Turnbull; and Los Angeles real estate partner Thomas Fileti and of counsel Susannah Cupp, and New York of counsel Tushna Gamadia.

Morrison & Foerster acted as international counsel to the Everstone Group in its USD1 billion strategic partnership with the Yondr Group to develop and operate data centers in India. Operating under the brand name “EverYondr,” the partnership brings together the Everstone Group’s deep knowledge of the Indian market and the YondrGroup’s technical expertise and track record in developing capacity at scale, with the goal of delivering unrivalled value to hyper-scale clients.

mofo law firm

The Everstone Group is one of Asia’s premier investment firms with assets in excess of USD6 billion across private equity, real estate, infrastructure credit, and venture capital, while the Yondr Group is a global leader, developer, owner operator, and service provider of hyper-scale data centers.
As detailed in the Everstone Group’s press release, the EverYondr joint venture will support hyper-scale clients and service the rapidly growing Indian market. The investment will be used to fund the development and operation of multi-locational hyper-scale data center business across important geographies in India, including but not restricted to the metros of Mumbai Metropolitan Region,

Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai and National Capital Region (Delhi). The first facility located in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, for which land and power have already been acquired, will deliver 30MW by 2023 and 60MW of IT capacity when fully developed.

The Morrison & Foerster team advising the Everstone Group was led by Singapore partners Shirin Tang and Paul Davis and Singapore associate Mark Tay.

mofo law firm

With more than 40 real estate attorneys on the ground, Morrison & Foerster’s award-winning Asia real estate team has deep experience in all phases of the real estate cycle across key asset classes. Our clients include real estate private equity firms, investment managers, sovereign wealth funds, development companies, and REITs that invest in real estate assets. Since 2016, we have advised on more than 100 significant real estate transactions in Asia with total deal value in excess of USD200 billion. In 2020 and 2021, our data center work included guiding leading global real estate players in maiden investments in data centers in India, Japan, China, and Indonesia.

Texas law eases prior auth burdens, but payers see it as a dangerous move


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